Tuesday, December 05, 2006

First XBLA Game Uo Use the Unreal 3 Engine!

Experience the power of the Unreal Engine 3 for the first time in an Xbox Live Arcade game in “RoboBlitz,” this week’s Xbox Live Arcade Wednesday’s release. This independently developed breakthrough game will be available for download on Xbox Live Arcade for Xbox 360 beginning Wednesday, 6th December after. Independent developer Naked Sky Entertainment created RoboBlitz using the latest in game technology to deliver an innovative, high definition experience. Roboblitz is a fast-paced, 3D action game with unique physics, inventive gizmos, creative weapons, and robotic characters. Players take on the role of Blitz, a multi-talented robot who must activate an aging space cannon to save his world from a band of maladjusted space pirates. Set in seven distinct environments, RoboBlitz features 19 levels of puzzle-solving and high-intensity action. Featuring 19 levels of puzzle-solving and high intensity action set in seven distinct environments a free trial version will consist of three engaging levels in a game blending fast paced action, puzzle solving, and a playground of interactive physics combining advanced physics simulation givivg the player real freedom to solve problems in creative and unexpected ways. This title will also feature premium downloadable content in the future – providing new game play elements and unique challenges for RoboBlitz fans Costing a roof tipping 1200 points, RoboBlitz is due for release on XBLA on 6th December!

Check out some pics here:
>Click Me<

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Halo We Won't Go

Rumors of the death of the Halo movie are greatly exaggerated. Hopefully. Last Friday, Variety reported that co-financers Universal and Fox had abruptly backed out of the film adaptation of the popular Microsoft game. Rumors were the studios balked at a budget greater than a projected $135 million. Universal and Fox bailed after unsuccessfully attempting to get the filmmakers and Microsoft to cut their profit participation. Microsoft was reportedly to receive 10% of the gross profit from the film as well as $5 million upfront for the rights to the game and a script by Alex Garland. Microsoft issued an official statement: "We are disappointed that Universal and Fox wanted to significantly renegotiate the financial points of the deal. But the Halo franchise is hugely popular and our goal remains the same -- to find a partner that shares our passion and will creatively collaborate with us to best represent the story and spirit of the Halo franchise. Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh and the rest of the creative team are dedicated to ensuring the Halo movie becomes a reality. We are already in discussions with potential partners who recognize the value of the Halo brand and its appeal to consumers worldwide." Bungie's own Frankie responded to this news in the weekly update from the Bungie Towers last Friday. He reassured fans that, "frankly we're interested in making the best movie, and it's possible that a partner who's more concerned with numbers, might not be the best partner for what's more vitally a creative process. Suffice it to say that Peter, Neill, Fran and Microsoft are as excited and dedicated as ever and WETA continues the pre-production process. Actually, when you do finally get to see the stuff WETA has already made, you will probably pee a little." He closed with the hopes that they will be able to reveal more good news in the coming weeks. Considering that just a few weeks ago Bungie finally showed the multiplayer of Halo 3 off to some freaking lucky print and foreign journalists -- Halo fans are due for lots of good news soon.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Ultimate Gamer’s Rig

Joystiq recently held a “Most Impressive Gamer Rig” contest. And pictured here is the winning entry from a dude named Kevout, with his 32-system gaming rig. From Atari to Xbox 360, he has them all, with 568 games to boot. All he needs now is PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Wii, and he would be in gaming heaven. Until the next generation consoles come along of course. Where is the HDTV??? News taken from the following link: Lazy Link

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Marble Blast Ultra Patch To Fix Bugs And Bring Multiplayer Maps.

Thrills Killa from K1lla’s Xbox Domain has informed us that there will soon be a patch available that will bring new content to the smash arcade hit Marble Blast Ultra. Go after the jump to find out just how this patch will affect the game.

Thrills Killa recently interviewed Pat Wilson, the lead programmer for Marble Blast Ultra. The interview revealed that a patch will be arriving soon that will fix some known bugs and improve gameplay. The patch will fix:

Friends Leaderboard bug: This was reported very early on and will be fixed.
Crash exploit: There is a way to crash a server on several maps. This will be fixed.

Removing the advantage of dropping during a multiplayer game to protect your rating. This is very destructive behavior for the game because it breaks up servers. It also allows the host to unfairly effect the game for all other people in the server should they decide to kick the server back to the lobby to prevent a stat hit. We brainstormed many solutions to this and discussed it quite a bit, because we don’t want to provide a bad play experience for people who want to leave a server for other reasons. The implementation we chose, I feel, strikes a good balance, and I think it will have a positive effect on the game.

When you re-spawn in a multiplayer game, you should be facing the gems.

The HUD should inform everyone of voice activity so that abusive players can be identified by the host and kicked from the game.

Shadowing on the text for the scoreboard on the HUD to make it more readable on all levels.

Also of note is the addition of a whopping eleven multiplayer maps! Yes, you read right: 11 maps! All for the whopping cost of ZERO Microsoft Points! Downloadable content doesn’t get much better than that, folks! Pat Wilson also describes the multiplayer maps in a little more detail:

"I won’t list them all, but we got to really play with the gameplay even though we kept the game-type the same. Playing “Spires” is very, very different than all other multiplayer levels. All the gems are at the top of high-friction covered spires and platforms, and all the powerups are on the ground. The strategy is totally different, and it requires players to improve their flying, falling, and marble control skills. Alex also crafted a multiplayer level, “Bowl”, that mimics the skiing movement that makes single player levels like “Black Diamond” so much fun. “Blast Club” is another level in the style of “King of the Marble” but with a larger, more varying playing surface, and a different central conflict point."

Wilson did not reveal a release date for the patch, but instead said that:

It is really important to us that this update does nothing but improve the experience people have with Marble Blast Ultra. Testing these fixes is of the utmost importance and is something we are taking very seriously.

Wilson also said that Marble Blast Ultra fans will soon be able to download gamerpics.

Now THIS is how downloadable content should be done… eleven new maps for free that will seriously change the way the game is played. We should all applaud the MBU team’s hard work.

Tony Hawk's Project 8 Interview

Jump! Tony Hawk is a skateboarding franchise by himself. He can literally just retire and go fish somewhere, and he'd still have enough money to give University-tuition money to his grandchildren. But no, he wants to skate, he's even got this skateboarding game coming out: Tony Hawk's Project 8. Brian Bright, Proj. Director, and Chris Parise, Senior Producer, was interviewed and we got the info right here! Skaters galore and more! The usual skaters are back: Burnquist, Mike V., P-Rod, R. Mullen, and Bam Margera. New blood roster includes: Dolan, Lyn-Z Adams, and Nyjah Huston. There's still some in the works so we'll wait for their names. New Feature is "Nail The Trick." The game slows down, zoom into the skater's feet, and then what goes from there's up to you! Creating tricks on the fly is a piece of cake with this one. Unfortunately, there won't be any "classic levels" here. The "Classic Mode" like Skate and Combo Letters, Secret Tape and High Score challenges will still be here. As for the ones who want to be a legend of their own, besides having a male or female bod, you can have a kid bod as well. Imagine, a kid kicking ass on the grind! The goal system provides an AM, PRO, and Sick difficulty level, that'll give novices and experts the challenges they need. The graphics and physics on this one is just as next-gen as the console themselves. The render engine is a complete overhaul of THAW on the 360. They now have rendering support for the whole environment. This will make the game look more realistic than in the past. Metal, grass, water, and glass shaders let's the players see cracks on the concrete walls and windows. Havok physics allows ragdoll bails, blending with the animation. Controllable bail is a cool feature. It allows the player control how they fall. Instead of falling into a ditch, you could try falling infront of a speeding truck. Mo-capping Tony Hawk and the other skaters will definitely make this game move as realistic as possible. So how Tony moves in the game looks exactly like how he would in real life. The skater will now be able to react dynamically with the environment. Unfortunately, no Xbox Live Vision support for the meantime. Until then, we'll see you in the concrete jungles...

New Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy Screenshots

More eye candy from Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, we bring you - this time hot off the press in full Xbox 360 quality. Relive memorable scenes and iconic characters from (most of these shots), A New Hope The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi, rendered in plastic-block LEGO fashion. (The only thing missing from these, wethinks, are the lightsabers, but throwing in Jabba the LEGO Block was nice).

The screencaps don't exactly demo the fun stuff you can mess around with in that LEGO galaxy far, far away (like putting Threepio's head on Yoda's body, or something), but it's cute the way the movies get LEGO-fied in these shots. They even capture Leia's cinnamon-bun hairstyle, Episode IV Luke's naive youthfulness (too easy with LEGO) and Jabba's... er, bulk... faithfully (Would have been nice to see an Episode VI Luke, though).

Until then... In September the game's release will be, young Padawans.

New DVD Patchmod from Divineo

When it comes to patchmods for Xbox 360, Team Underdog owns with its NME-360 v1.0. However, Divineo came up with a new product that looks like their initial edition of the DVD patchmod chips, not to mention it being cheaper at $24 only. Named Aladdin2 Mod360, this product is available in two drives and both have a low wire count: 4 for Toshiba Samsung drive and 11 for Hitachi-LG. Aside from auto booting original games, this mod automatically boots NME360 type backups and "those that are in dual format (xtreme/NME360)" as well. Once it detects an original game, Mod360 will disabling patching making it excellent for Xbox Live. Keep in mind though that backups should be in NME360 format and the book-type of the DVD+R DL can be either DVD+R or DVD-ROM. For diagrams of both drives, click on the links below:

Mod for Hitachi-LG disc drive: Lazy Link

Mod For Toshiba-Samsung disc drive: Lazy Link